Careers and Work Experience

Job Openings

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Looking for High School Work Experience?
Looking for a Uni Work Placement?
What our customers say about our team.

Open Job Enquiries

If you’re keen to express your interest in working at ANGRYchair in a role that isn’t listed here, we’d love to have your contact details on hand if a relevant opportunity comes up!

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Video Post Production
Working at ANGRYchair
Dave Collins
Meet The Boss (Dave)
What our customers say about our team.

Wanna Do Work Experience with Us?

  • Great!

    We’re all about helping people check out the industry to see if it’s for them. Make sure you watch the videos above before you go much further. We’re lucky enough to receive many, many requests to come and do work experience, so if you’re super keen you may well nab one of the spots!

    Currently, we’re offering week-long placements to people studying at tertiary level, or recent graduates of media and film-related courses. (If you haven’t finished Year 12 or equivalent-level studies, we reckon the best stuff you’ll learn is by getting few mates together and starting to make stuff – that’s how a lot of us got started!)

    Please be aware that the demand for placements means that unfortunately, the typical lead time can be more than four to eight months.

    To apply, please send us a link to a video explaining why you LOVE video production and what you want to see/experience/learn from us. You should star in the video so we can get to know you, and creativity is encouraged! Videos should be no longer than 60secs.

    We’ll watch every video that comes through, and the team will have the (sometimes heartbreaking!) job of selecting the most suited.
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